Monday, April 11, 2011

Tri-Cities Recycling Program

Recently, there have been rumors going around that there really isn’t a recycling program in the Tri-Cities, and that all of the collected recyclables go into the landfill.  I looked into this a little more.  Although there may not necessarily a recycling facility in the area, there is definitely a program.  Last time I was at the Waste Management facility, there was a completely separate section for recycling, with all of the types of recyclables separated and ready to be recycled.  And, there are curbside programs.  All of these would be too costly for the cities and companies to maintain if there wasn’t really a system, and even though you pay extra for the service, it still would not make business sense for them to have both services when only using one.  Therefore, I have concluded that the recycling program in the Tri-Cities is real.

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