Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Begin Test: Reusable Drink Holders

Recently, I have bought two reusable coffee cups: one for hot coffee and one for cold coffee and frappuccinos.  It’s no secret that the cups provided at coffee shops, such as Starbucks and Tully’s, are not very environmentally friendly – especially the plastic cups for cold coffee.   I am going to be testing how effective these coffee cups are when it comes to ordering coffee from these places.  In a future post, I will report back to you on how easy these are to live with – how sustainable they are, how practical they are, and if they really are worth the money you pay for them. 

In the upcoming months, I will be reporting back on the hot beverage holder first, and will soon after that report back on the cold beverage holder. 

First impressions show that the hot coffee holder is more effective at keeping beverages warm than the paper ones from Starbucks.  Also, both are much more sustainable than the alternatives from the store. 

All in all, these two products look like practical sustainability.

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