Monday, February 14, 2011


Welcome to Practical Sustainability!  I am a senior in high school and am using this blog as a culminating project for my school.  With this site, I plan to give you (and myself) ideas on how we can live a more environmentally friendly, sustainable life, as well as to test those ideas and report back to you with how practical the idea is.  I want to hear your ideas as well!  If there’s anything you want to see on this blog, comment on a post, or e-mail me at

Another point of this blog is to let you know what’s up in the world of environmentally friendly products.  What’s good, what’s bad; what’s a green product, what does more harm than good. 

At the end of each blog that talks about a certain idea that has been tested, I will give a score for each of the following on a 1-10 scale: Sustainability, Practicality, and Overall (Overall being an average of the two scores). 

I hope that this blog will be beneficial to you and that you will be able to take some of these ideas and use them in your everyday life!

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