For a while now, I have been saving my rubber bands that come on my newspapers. After a few weeks, I return them to my newspaper deliverer. In a way, I am recycling my newspaper.
You can do this too. After taking the rubber band off your newspaper, you can save it and return it to your newspaper deliverer when they come to collect your fines. I’m sure they’ll be willing to take it, they are, after all, the ones who have to pay for the rubber bands, not the newspaper provider.
However, today, I began to wonder: What else can I do with my newspaper rubber bands?
After a search on the internet, I found only two ideas: Keep them and reuse them, and donate them to schools. Basically, these ideas are just for keeping the rubber bands lying around and waiting for a use for them to come up.
All of these ideas are great and keep rubber bands out of landfills. However, I believe that returning them to the newspaper carrier would be the most sustainable.
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