Friday, February 25, 2011

Curbside Recycling

If you are like me, you try to stay very aware of what can and can’t go in curbside recycling.  However, Kennewick’s recycling program can get tricky and confusing for many reasons.  This makes it very difficult to follow, and easy to put a recyclable in that isn’t collected by Waste Management.

One thing I noticed is that you can only recycle certain types of plastic.  You can’t even recycle all plastics with recycle symbols on them.  Kennewick will only accept plastic water/pop bottles (with the caps removed and put in landfill garbage) and plastic milk jugs.  This is disappointing to me, as there really isn’t a facility in the area to take these recyclable plastics to.  This means that we are forced to waste a lot of plastic.  I hope that they will soon accept these plastics, or a facility will open up here.

Listed below are the recyclables that Kennewick Waste Management will pick up curbside:
  • Paper
    •    Corrugated cardboard
    •    Magazines
    •    Office paper
    •    Newspaper
    •    Paperboard
    •    Paper cardboard milk and juice cartons
    •    Mail
    •   Junk mail
    •   Phone books
  •  Metals
    • Aluminum cans
    •    Aluminum foil
    •    Steel cans
    •    Tin cans
  • Glass
    • Clear glass
    •    Brown glass
    •    Green glass
  • Plastic
    • PET plastic water/pop bottle
    • HDPE plastic: milk jugs

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