Monday, March 14, 2011

Alternatives to Plastic Food Containers

Even if you reuse your plastic containers multiple times, the process used to make plastic is still very unsustainable.  And if it is broken, if discarded in a landfill, can become very toxic when it biodegrades, and is ultimately an unsustainable practice.  Therefore, it is best to look for alternatives to plastic food containers when possible.

In the home

You may use a lot of Tupperware; I know that I do.  However, there are better alternatives than to use Tupperware.  A good choice is to use glass storage containers.  They are more environmentally friendly, are more sustainable when produced, and are less damaging if thrown in a landfill.  An aluminum or tin container would be good as well, and they are widely available.  They would also be easier to recycle.

For Packing Lunch

When packing a lunch, it is a good idea to use a metal lunch box instead of a plastic one, as they are more sustainable.  Also, instead of using plastic, disposable utensils, pack metal ones from home and then bring them back to wash.  Instead of using plastic Ziploc bags, look for cloth snack wraps.  These are reusable and overall are more sustainable than plastic, disposable bags.  Make sure not to buy oilcloth, however, as they are laminated cloth, meaning they are coated in plastic.

These methods help to reduce our impact on the environment, and overall are much more sustainable than even reusing plastic materials.

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