Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reuse Plastic Bread Bags

Thanks to Green Living Tips (link below), I have come up with some excellent ideas to reuse bread bags.  Although it would be very difficult to keep the bread bags out of the garbage system forever, there are many ways that you can keep it out for a while and keep other items out of the landfill by using bread bags in their place.  I will be keeping my bread bags to use for these purposes.  This is an important thing to do because plastics take a very long time to deteriorate, and when they do they release many toxins into the environment.

Ideas for the reuse of plastic bread bags include:
      Packing sandwiches
·         Packing material when sending out packages
·         Storing small items
·         Replacing freezer bags
·         Cake icing dispenser
·         Gloves
·         Seedling bags
·         Trash bags
·         Meat seasoning bags

Most of these ideas have a basic theme: replacing other plastics bags that you would discard as well.  This is an excellent way to reduce your waste, and the right path to sustainability.  Although this isn’t the best solution to becoming more sustainable, it is on the right path, as reducing our waste is one of the first steps to becoming more sustainable.

I will continue to report back on my progress in reducing the bread bags, as well as any new ideas I come across.

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