Saturday, March 5, 2011

Scratch Paper

What happens to paper you only use once?  For most of us, we immediately rid ourselves of it.  However, using one side of the paper, and recycling it when the other side of it is blank, isn’t very sustainable.

For a while, now, I have been keeping a bin in my room titled “Scratch Paper.”  This is where I put my paper when I print something out one-sided, and end up not using it.  Examples of this could be scholarship applications that I decided not to apply for, school papers I printed out with an error on them, and entrance essays I had edited. 

The reason I’m keeping these papers is for reuse.  There are a lot of things that I print out only for temporary use, and then do nothing with.  I am trying to cut down on this by reusing these papers before I put them in my recycling bin. 

So far, the biggest problem has been trying to figure out which side to face up in the printer.  Other than that, I have no complaints and no problems with this system.  I encourage you to try it – what could go wrong? 

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