Sunday, March 6, 2011

Complete Test: Reusable Hot Coffee Cup

My fifth post announced the beginning of testing and looking into the reusable coffee cup.  While weather hasn’t warmed up quite enough for me to try out the cold coffee cup, I have completed looking at the hot coffee cup.  And, needless to say, I was generally impressed with this coffee cup.

People use millions of disposable coffee cups per year, and while these are compostable, the Styrofoam lid is not, and overall they are not sustainable to use.  The material needed to make the paper cups is not recyclable, because of materials used to make it durable and insulated.  It is much better to use a reusable coffee cup.

The Test

I was generally pleased with the cup.  I could use it over and over again, and it held up well.  When filled with warm coffee, it kept the heat inside well, and I didn’t have to worry about getting burned.  Although the flavor of the coffee tasted sort of like plastic when first using the cup, I noticed that that flavor disappeared after a few uses.  Also, the lid has a built in stopper in it, to prevent spills.  This is an added bonus and eliminates the need for a plastic disposable one provided at coffee shops.  I was fortunate to get a holiday cup, so that I can have color year round. 

The only real low point about the cup is having to wash it out between uses.  It is easy to put off, and generally I didn’t get to it right away.  This limits its practicality.  Still, in my opinion, this is better than having to get a different cup every time and throw it away when finished using it.  Also, the cup is made of plastic, not generally a very sustainable option.  If it breaks, it’s number five plastic, meaning that I won’t be able to recycle it.  Also, you have to hold onto the lid while they’re making your coffee – not the most difficult thing, but it could be easy to leave it on the counter and lose it.

The Verdict

Overall, this cup is better than a reusable cup, and although not quite as practical as it could be, is still an excellent alternative to using a new, disposable cup every time. 

The Scores

Sustainability: 9
Practicality: 7
Overall: 8

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