Saturday, March 19, 2011

Farmer’s Markets: A Good Way to Live Sustainably

What’s one of the easiest ways to live a more sustainable life?  Shopping at a Farmer’s Market.  This is an easy way to live your life more sustainably as well as being able to eat better food.

Shopping at a Farmer’s Market is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint.  Although you may have to drive farther than the grocery store, the food you buy is grown locally, and therefore less carbon emissions are released during the transportation of the product.

Also, because they are grown by local farmers, they are less likely to use environmentally-degrading fertilizers.  This eliminates the possibility of runoff from the fertilizers, and keeps these inorganic chemicals out of the water system.  The more we do this, the more we can protect our environment and keep our waters clean.

Farmer’s Markets also tend to have lower prices than those of grocery stores.  This, in effect, adds to the pros of a Farmer’s Market. 

All in all, Farmer’s Markets are an excellent way to live a more sustainable life, if you are willing to make the drive out to them.

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